Madera Goes to Brazil!

Subject: Brand Ambassador technique and methods.

By: Ellen Lashley | Madera Brand Ambassador

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I have two passions: I have a passion for people and I have a passion for the outdoors. When I found Madera and saw that they had a passion for the same, I knew I wanted to be a part of we are doing. When I first became an ambassador, I wasn’t sure how to go about selling hammocks. I have never been in sales…I never even had a lemonade stand as a kid. But, I started talking to my close friends and family about Madera and what we were all about. What I noticed was that people noticed how passionate I was (and am) about the idea. Getting cool gear to be outside AND making a real difference in people’s lives.  

After a while of doing a lot of talking (and not a whole lot of actual promo uses), the youth pastor of my church , Austin, got wind of “this new hammock thing that Ellen is doing.” He asked me about it very casually one week and so I told him all about the company and the awesome things that we are doing. We went on our way, and I didn’t think much more about it. A week later, he told me that he was going to be needing a bunch of hammocks for their mission trip to Brazil…AND HE WANTED TO BUY THEM FROM MADERA!

Madera Hammocks Going to Brazil

Needless to say, I was very excited. He contacted Adam, the founder, and the deal was made….15 hammocks!

Places to hammock camp in Brazil

The church youth group and their Madera hammocks went on their mission trip to Brazil and had a wonderful time ministering to the community and exploring the beautiful and vast outdoors that Brazil possesses –sleeping in their hammocks on an overnight expedition!

Overnight Hammock Camping in Brazil Madera Hammocks

When they returned, and I had heard all of the stories, I asked Austin what it was that made him want to buy Madera hammocks. He said that it was the passion and the excitement that I had for the company. That it made him feel the same way!

Madera Hammocks can hang from any where! Best Camping hammocks!!!

In that moment, I knew that it didn’t matter if I had never sold anything in my life. If you are passionate about what you’re selling, and you are able to project that onto your customer, they will want to buy whatever it is. Because they are then a part of the Madera Mission, and they feel like they are a part of something special (because they are)!  If anything, I would encourage ambassadors for Madera to really buy into what we are all about and be passionate about it. When you’re passionate, you will inspire others to be passionate, and that’s what it’s all about!

A note from the Founder of Madera Outdoor Co.

Hey everyone, It's Adam. I just want to add to what Ellen says about passion. Be passionate about helping families in Africa get some footing in their economy by planting trees. Trees are powerful, and more powerful I might add than a couple hammocks. I went to a family reunion and told people about what our company does and about our partner and several people bought hammocks and joined the ambassador program to spread the word to their friends. I brought 10 with me and they were all gone and I was only planning on letting people hang out in them, it didn't even cross my mind that they would have bought hammocks!

Let your friends and family know if they want to support you in our (and your) mission they can use your code. Austin reached out to me and said he wanted to support Ellen. He did, but he did more than support Ellen, in fact he did more good than he was expecting taking a youth group to brazil on a service mission, he gave opportunity to Ellen and to families fighting poverty. The mission that Austin and Ellen jumped on and let latch to their souls is literally growing (in the ground) and proliferating to more people in the countries where our planting sites are. They created a legacy that will live longer than you or I. When you became (or become) an Ambassador, you agreed to aiding in the cause which is so much greater than hammocks. Hammocks are cool, and so are wood watches, but the coolest thing we do is give back through outdoor products. Why don’t all companies operate this way?

To support our mission and Ellen in her endeavors, use this code for 30% off all products in store. ELAS3

Join Madera Outdoor Company's Mission of Planting Trees and Changing lives.

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