Go Fund Me Donation

Regular price $ 1.00

After running for almost 6 years we need help to avoid bankruptcy. We started a go fund me to help Madera continue our mission until the very end. Donate up to $100. Feeling extra generous? Make it a monthly donation, your support goes a long way.

Where it goes:

You donation will go to paying tree planting families in Sub-Saharan Africa, keeping the lights on until we close, paying employees, and going out of business ad campaigns. 

Your donation means so much and reflects your trust in our company. While it's very sad it's also a new beginning and your financial support will help get us through to the next stage of progress and gratitude. Thanks so much for your support! We couldn't do it without you!

Our customers are Heroes

With the help of Madera Outdoor, you have planted 70,255 trees and counting. You have helped improve the livelihoods of impoverished farmers by revitalizing degraded lands. You have have demonstrated the transformation power of trees, in helping people break out of the poverty cycle while also addressing the global environment. Our goal is to raise awareness about this solution: to solve hunger, poverty, and environmental degradation and simultaneously extend proper self-care and headspace opportunities to you. Thanks for being a hero!

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